Community Involvement

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Community Involvement

​​​​​​The A.W. Chesterton Company has long recognized the importance of being socially responsible and an active participant in the communities in which we are located. In Groveland, Massachusetts—where our major manufacturing facilities are housed—over 38% of ou​r employees live in town or in neighboring communities.

Chesterton commits to its surrounding communities by:

  • Providing over $90,000 per year in scholarship assistance for the children of our employees
  • Awarding scholarships to the local regional high school
  • Participating in annual town day events
  • Contributing to the local sports teams, youth clubs, police and fire departments, and more

Employees Lead the Way

But like most things in life, the real work gets done in the trenches. It is the activities of our employees and their personal investment of "time, talent and treasure" that provide the real community support. Their efforts create a ripple effect of goodwill.

​Chesterton ​employees "Walk for Hunger," run "Relay for Life," and engage in a variety of other endeavors to raise money for local charitable organizations. Other employees cont​​ribute resources to our Adopt-A-Family Program to provide needy families with children's gifts during the holiday season. And then there are those who on their own initiate a fundraiser for a colleague, friend, or family member who is struggling with a serious illness or personal hardship.

Making a Difference….that's what really motivates Chesterton employees!​