Chesterton has a number of programs focusing on our most valuable asset: our people. We don't just believe in employee empowerment; we live it!
Passport to Success
A comprehensive onboarding program that helps new employees become acquainted quickly with A.W. Chesterton Company and get all the pieces in place that will help them be successful in their new role. Employees choose which activities to participate in based on their schedules, locations, supervisor recommendations, and their own interests. All participants must participate in activities to earn at least 100 points in their first 90 days of work.
Mentoring Program
A program pairing two employees in a 12-week-long experience designed to focus on career development. This program is an active expression of Chesterton’s career development philosophy:
"You Drive, We Assist." It is designed to help both mentees and mentors learn and develop. Mentoring pairs participate in a number of activities crafted to facilitate networking within the company, experience leadership in action, and explore career development topics. The Mentoring Program provides exposure to other employees and management within the company and allows people to build relationships that will benefit Chesterton now and in the future.
Love Where You Work
This initiative empowers Chesterton employees to assess company needs, provide new ideas, and create programs that will help the company amplify its strengths and bridge any gaps. Employees who participate spend about 5% of their work time during the year initiating activities that will make Chesterton a workplace that employees love (or love more!) and value. The teams are advised by a Love Where You Work Senior Advisor whose role is to help cut red tape and enable the group to get things done.
All team members participate in training on key skills: project management, the art of influence, and innovation. They use these skills throughout the year to bring programs to life for all employees.
Professional Development
Chesterton's career philosophy is simple: You drive, we assist. Our job is to provide the right environment and programs. Your role is to make your career development a priority. Through our several employee initiative projects, Mentoring Program, Love Where You Work, Succession Planning process and Career Development Training Program, growth opportunities are there for you! Seminars on leadership, employee management, resolving conflict, and project management are just a few of the topics you can focus on.